Important Dates

Last Paper Submission Date: 9 September 2024
Notification Results: 21 September 2024
Full text last upload date: 25 September 2024
Abstract Submission

Click here to submit your paper

You can reach Meryem AL at the phone number 05309766097 for any requests regarding incorrect submission of reports or changes to submitted reports. Please do not upload the same report again.

Abstract Submission Rules

  1. Abstracts will be collected through the submission system on the congress website. Therefore, font size and type will be adjusted by the system.
  2. International standard abbreviations may be used in the text of the paper. If there is a special abbreviation, the full abbreviation should be written in parentheses where it is first used.
  3. Abstracts will be uploaded in English.
  4. Original research, systematic reviews and review presentations are accepted.
  5. The title should describe the content of the study.
  6. The abstract should not exceed 300 words (excluding title, author's name, surname, institutional information and keywords).
  7. Abstract should be prepared in Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing and 12 point size.
  8. The abstract title should reflect the subject content, should be short and should not contain abbreviations. The title should be written with the first letters of each word capitalized. In English titles, prepositions such as "on, of" should be lowercase.
  9. Original research abstracts should be structured to include "Introduction and Aim, Method, Results, Conclusion" sections.
  10. Abstracts of case report presentations should be structured to include "Introduction and Aim, Case(s), Conclusion" sections.
  11. 11. Review abstracts should be structured as a plain text, including the purpose of the review.
  12. Keywords: minimum 3, maximum 5. All words except proper nouns should be written in lower case and there should be no punctuation marks at the end of the words.
  13. The names and surnames of the authors should be filled in according to their order in the study, and the name and surname of the person presenting the study should be underlined.
  14. Academic titles should not be used in author names. Names should be written with only the first letters capitalized.
  15. The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work (university name, faculty/department, province and country) must be indicated.
  16. The abstract should not include pictures, tables and references.

Presentation of Papers

Oral Presentation

  1. Oral presentations can be presented in Turkish or English. The oral presentation time should be planned to be 8 minutes in total, including 6 minutes of presentation and 2 minutes of discussion.
  2. All presentations will be presented on the specified day, time and hall according to the order in the congress program. Information regarding the session of your oral presentation will be sent to you.
  3. Abstracts not presented will not be published in the proceedings book.
  4. The person who will present at the congress must be an author or co-author.
  5. Presentation files must be checked and delivered to the person in charge before the session start time.
  6. The names of all authors should appear on the first slide of the presentation.
  7. The name of the person presenting the oral presentation should be underlined.

Poster Presentation

  1. Posters should not be larger than A0 (841mm x 1189mm) or smaller than A2 (420mm x 594mm).
  2. Posters should include Title, Authors, Institutions, Main Text sections.
  3. Original research should consist of Introduction and Aim, Methods, Results, Table(s), Discussion, Conclusion, References.
  4. Case report should consist of Introduction and Objective, Case(s), Discussion, Conclusion, References.
  5. Review should consist of Introduction and Objective, Subheadings (if any), Conclusion, References.
  6. Poster owners will exhibit their posters in printed form in the poster area during the congress. Poster holders are required to place their posters in the relevant area to be exhibited in printed form on the date to be announced later.

Preparation Guidelines for Full Text Abstract;

  1. Full text submission is not mandatory. You can participate in the congress with an abstract.
  2. Full texts can be uploaded to the "Online Submission System" after the abstract results are announced. Participants whose abstracts are not accepted will not be allowed to upload their full texts through the system. Authors who want their accepted abstracts to be published in full text should upload their full texts to the "Online Submission System" until September 11, 2024 at the latest. Papers sent via e-mail, fax or mail independently of this system will not be evaluated.
  3. Full texts should consist of maximum 2500 words (excluding title, author information and bibliography).
  4. The full text should be prepared in Times New Roman font, 1.5 line spacing and 12 point size.
  5. The title of the full text should reflect the subject content, should be short and should not contain abbreviations. The title should be written with the first letters of each word capitalized. In English titles, prepositions such as "on, of" should be lowercase.
  6. Academic titles should not be used in author names. Names should be written with only the first letter capitalized.
  7. The names and addresses of the institutions where the authors work (university name, faculty/department, province and country) must be specified.
  8. Original research full texts should be structured to include "Abstract, Introduction and Aim, Method, Results, ifanyTable(s), Discussion, Conclusion, References" sections for those submitting English texts.
  9. Case report full texts should be structured to include "Abstract, Introduction and Aim, Case(s), Discussion, Conclusion, References" sections for those submitting English text.
  10. Review full texts should be structured to include "Abstract, Introduction and Aim, ifanysubtitle(s), Conclusion, References" sections for those submitting in English.
  11. Keywords should consist of at least 3 and at most 5 words. A ";" (semicolon) should be placed between words, only the first letter of the first keyword should be capitalized, and they should be written in alphabetical order.
  12. All tables and figures/graphics must be titled and placed in the order in which they are used in the text. Figures should be in digital format, JPEG saved and 300 dpi resolution.
  13. References should be written in Vancouver style.
  14. References in the text should be numbered in the order of use and the reference list should be presented in this order. The reference number should be indicated in parentheses in the relevant place. If more than one source is used, a comma should be placed between the sources.

Printing of Abstract

  1. All papers accepted and presented as oral presentations at the congress will be published electronically in the "8th International 19th National Nursing Congress Proceedings Book". All responsibility for the papers submitted to the congress (ethical approval for research articles, correct writing of sources, compliance with grammar rules, etc.) belongs to the author(s).
  2. All participants must present their oral and/or poster presentations. Papers that are not presented will not be included in the "Proceedings Book".